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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tag dari PinkLady!

Melodrama of Unknown at 10:36 AM 3 VVIP Readers

Wahahhaa!!! Dah lama tol tak kena tag!! Kemarau tagging kini bermula kembali!! Ceh!! Ayat. Ok, akan ku jawab soalan2 mencabar ini ya. Heheeee….

1. Siapakah anda di rumah?
I’m just like other Angah, lazy to cook when there’s K.Uda (she will concur the kitchen from morning till nite!), I’ll handle the bill’s payment (Help to pay the bill only), usually I’m the one who being call to work with my dad when I’m on holiday! (Workaholic for my dad)

2. Siapakah diri anda di samping rakan?
A good Advisors! A good Leader! A crazy frend! A strong person!

3. 5 benda yg anda idamkan tp msh blm tercapai?
- My first Degree!
- Sony Ericsson Experia!
- Learn to swim!
- Go to Japan (I really want to see that Sakura Flower!)
-Get married, have our own house, our own cars, a honeymoon in Paris and a twins!

4. Siapakah nama pasangan anda?
Mohd Fahmi B Mat Saad (‘Si Tomey’)

5. Ceritakan 5 perkara yang anda paling suka tentang pasangan anda.
• His understanding and always Appreciate me as his girl.
Funny and his laugh can make me laugh too!!
• Very Supportive and Strict at the same time.
• He is a SHY guy, but TALKATIVE (friendly) at the same time! That’s why he has a lot of friends.
• He makes me fall in LOVE with him again and again…hmm…miss him oredy..

6. Bila tarikh anda couple?
30 May 2008

7. Apakah kenangan pahit anda bersama pasangan anda?
No bad memories. Every fight that we had, makes me know him even better
and let me understand his stand, his thought, his feeling and his love.

8. Lagu tema cinta anda?

9. Apa perubahan yang ingin anda lihat dari pasangan anda?
Naaaa’ah….I just Love him for who he is…

10.Tag 10 rakan ada yang lain.
3. Shafie
5. Alvin tak ada rumah..
6. Kmelya
7. Vee Violet
8. Ika Razak
10. Rowena
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Bikin Aku PANAS!!

Melodrama of Unknown at 12:37 PM 4 VVIP Readers
Aku dah REJECT ko jadi agent aku. Ko pun dan ‘Abg’ ko pun sebulat suara nak angkat kaki time biz bermasalah dulu kan. Ko juga suka rela bagi Agent2 ko kat aku, nak lepas tangan punya pasal.

oWwhhh…bila Lense aku dah sampai, ko pula terkedek2 dgn TAK TAHU MALUNYA nk minta lense customer ko. Apa ni weh!! Lense roomate adik ko mmg patut pun ko handle, coz ko dah makan komission tu awal2 lagi. Tapi yang ni apa hal plak. Ko mental apa?? Patut aku pelik, bukan ke patut balance RM40, kenapa blh aku terima RM20?? Mn lagi RM20 aku?? Ko makan apa??

So, semalam dah ko cari pasal, kebetulan pula customer ko bagi duit tudung RM20 an, aku pegang ar..mmg aku dah agak ko mesti nak makan duit lense aku tuh.

Boleh plak ko terpekik kat koridor tu suruh aku byr duit agent. Setahu aku semua agent aku yg SETIA aku dah bg kot komission dorg. Nape? Tak kan tiba2 ko nak ngaku jd agent aku pula?? aku tak kutip ko pun!! Apa kes!! Ko BUKAN AGENT aku lagi. Buat2 lupa ke? Nape?? Dah tak ada duit eh?? Haih…

So, kalau ko nk duit tudung ko tuh, baik ko bagi aku duit lense aku ya. RM20 je pun. Tu pun ko nak makan kan…dasar PENCURI la ko ni!!

Owh ya…bukan ke ini statement ko?? Tak kan tak ingat kot….dasar PENCURI MAKAN DUIT ORANG!

“tapi abg 'tet' (terpaksa ditutup, demi keselamatan) ckp just wait until minggu ni biar lense smpai .ya aku tk ambik kmisen tapi kmisen agen aku ko kn bayar ya!!!!!!”

p/s: Boleh lak ko nangis2 kata aku kunci ko an…ko yg kunci pintu…dasar FAKE!!
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award!!

Melodrama of Unknown at 12:25 PM 3 VVIP Readers
Yay!!! Dapat Award!!!!
Disini, sy bersyukur kehadrat ilahi, kerana memberi saya peluang untuk menerima award ini dari seorang insan yang bernama Kmelya dan PinkLady. (Scrip Anugerah Skrin aku…) Hahahah…

Anyway, ada rules yang harus diikuti ya…

Here the rules to accept the award:
1. Thank & link the person that gave you award.
2. Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself

7 things about me:
• I Love Fashion & Beauty! Dark Chocolate! Soya & Milo! Cute Stuff!
• I can be silence and talkative at the same time.
• I love PINK and cheerful color combination.
• I don’t judge people easily & I believe in a second chance.
• Music maniac, Movie Addict & Shopaholic!
• Can’t Swim but love the beach!!
• Hate hot weather and sunburn!!

Here are my favorite’s bloggers!
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Melodrama of Unknown at 11:34 AM 1 VVIP Readers
Fuh!!!! Da lama tu aku tak update blog aku ni an….hahhaha!!
Sorry, aku busy gle lately….

Busy gado….
Busy Biznes…
Busy study….
Busy Tido….
Busy Asgmt…
Busy Test n Exam….

Hari ni aku nk bagi tips!!!

1. Jangan pernah kutip Roomate dgn org yg mmg bermasalah/terbuang!!
Tak faham?? Kalu kamu tgk dia dgn si A gado, pastu masuk bilik si B pun gado juga…maknanya bila dia masuk bilik kamu pun dia akan gado. Bahaya! Especially, bila kesemua mereka katakan benda yg sama mcm pengotor, childish, bau badan and all….DO ALERT!! Buang awal2!

2. Jangan berbisnes dgn org yang tgh tak ada DUIT!!
Sebabnya, nanti bila kamu untung lebih sikit dia akan jeles. Pastu mulalah macam2 lah dia nak kata. Kalu dia seorang penjaja yg baik, dia juga seorang penjaja cerita yg baik. Ingat tue!!

3. Berhati2 dgn PENGKHIANAT!
Mmg dah NIAT dia pun nak khianat kan…so, macam2 dia akan buat. Dia akan kacau boy friend kamu, dia akan kacau adik beradik kamu, dia akan semak dalam bilik kamu (dgn baunya tengiknya). Hhahhahahhah!!! Dia akan terlompat2 mcm monyet kena suntik sambil terpekik2 kat telinga kamu time kamu tgh on call. (nanti kita ‘cakar’ dia lagi baru tau!! Hahahhahah!!)

4. Jangan mudah terpedaya dgn muka ‘Innocent’ seseorang.
Fuh!! Ini pengajaran terbesar aku seumur hiduplah!! Jangan sangka muka ‘innocent’ tu sumenye baik. Siapa tahu, dia lagi teruk dari yang lain. Hahhahah!!! Bukan sahaja dari memutar belit cerita, malah mengapikan orang ramai. Mungkin kehidupan dia sgt kesian kot. Yelah, mungkin dia harapkan BF yg ‘Romantik’, tp dikayu empatkan (3 kali!!!) hahhah!! Sangat DESPERATE kan. Mungkin dia harapkan adik2 yang vogue, tp…..AHA!!! NO COMENT!! Mungkin dia nk jd mcm kita la KOT!! Sangat Pathetic la LIFE dia.

So pape pun, dengan org macm ni, kita diam je. Biarkan dia men sana sini, terkinja2, menyalak kt tiap org yg lalu lalang. Kita tgk,pastu kita gelak sesame!! Ok?? Hhahah!! Jgn lupa bawa Popcorn!! Sebab, org macam ni pandai buat drama!! Hahahhahah!!!
Ok lah….nanti aku sambung lagi…
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Hati2 Memilih Kawan ya....

Melodrama of Unknown at 11:12 AM 6 VVIP Readers
Uishk!! Ramai lah pula aku tegk org yg ada masalah dalam berkawan neh!! Haih….
Cuma satu jer lah aku nak kamu semua ingat,

Hati2 dalam memilik ‘kawan’” Basic rule tue.

Sebab apa, kita tak tahu bila dia akan ‘BACKSTABBER’ kita. Tapi tulah, jangan kamu nilai dia dari luaran sahaja. Mungkin dia dari luaran nampak ‘Innocent’, tp dalaman dia, masyaallah!!! Hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu betapa hitamnya hati dia.

Tapi, bila direnung2kan kembali, dulu pun aku pernah ada ‘kawan’ yang sebegini. Mungkin sebabkan ‘kawan’, so yg buruk dari dia tu aku terima sebagai kekurangan dia lah. Tapi, tak sangka pula dia lupa daratan dan bermulut longkang! Kali pertama, aku lihat ‘pompuan’ mcm ni. Siyes!!!!!!!

Bukan sahaja pandai menabur fitnah, malah pandai menukar cerita. Yang aku tak boleh blah tue, ada juga yang termakan dek kata2 dia tue!! Mungkin sebabkan muka dia yang kononnya ala2 ‘innocent’ tu la kot. Tapi aku akuilah, dia sangat tak matang. Mana tak nya, kalau boleh tiap2 hari dia nk bg aku cerita dongeng nukilan beliau. Malah pandai UGUT aku lagi tuh!!!!

Aku ceritakan yang benar, dikatakan aku api2kan persahabatan suci beliau dan penmgikut SETIA beliau.. Haih. Tapi tak apa. Itu aku tak kisah. Sebab, aku pun tak mahukan ‘Frendship’ yg begitu. Aku Cuma ingin lihat jer ‘frenship’ mereka. SUMPAH!!! Aku teramat sangat ingin tahu endingnya. Tiap kali aku tgk dorg back-up each other, buat aku gelak sampai sesak nafas!!!
Sebabnya, mereka sgt sesuai berkawan!! (Aku tak nak kata apa yg diumpat beliau, nanti beliau tukar lagi statement aku kata aku yg api2kan…..hmmmm…aku?? api2kan?? Pelik gak la kan…)

Owh ya….ada satu time ni, masa aku tgh jogging dgn ‘Si Tomey’. Actually, Tgh hari tu, beliau kena sawan apa ntah, bagi aku msg bukan2. Kata aku burukkan dia kat ‘Abg’ dia. Hmmm….pelik. Sama ada dia tukar cerita atau, ‘Abg’ dia pun kaki tukar cerita. Itu, aku tak nak campur. Lantak Beliau lah, ‘family’ beliau. Hahhah!!! Pastu, ada hati nk ugut aku, konon nk call semua adik2 aku nk gtau dorg apa aku kata buruk ttg mereka. Hmmmm……..siyesly, aku guling2 gelak atas katil time tue!! Pastu dia call Alang.

Then, ptg tue, aku g jogging. Dapat lagi mesej sawan dia. Bercakap ttg keluarga dia, kehebatan rohani dan batin keluarga beliau, keluar masuk hotel ada event la…hahhahahhah!!! Sgt menarik!!! Hmmmm…

Aku nak ‘koya’ jap boleh tak?? Tulun…izinkan aku koya sebentar ya…

Family aku ada HOTEL sendiri, ada aku kecoh? Hhahahahhahahhahahah!!!!!!
Duit MY ABUYA lebih kot dari Duit YOUR DAD, ada aku kecoh ka?? Hahahhahahhah!!!!

Tapi tak pa. aku anggap itu drama bersiri diwaktu petang. Aku baca ngan ‘Si Tomey’ pun gelak2. Hahhahah!! Mental juga beliau di petang hari. Hahhahahh!!

Tapi, ada hikmahnya Allah bagi aku bala sebegini. Kerana bala ini, aku kenal siapa itu BELIAU dan siapa itu Pengikut SETIA BELIAU.

Malahan hubungan aku dan keluarga, adik-beradik, my bestie n my love semakin hari semakin erat!! Mungkin dia salah opponent kali ni. Sebab niat dia pun ‘NAK JATUHKAN AKU’.

So, malam tu aku Cuma petik satu PERKARA sahaja. Cukup SATU perkara itu sahaja. Dia terus gelabah, call ‘Abg’ dia, pastu ‘Abg’ dia pun pandai berbahasa kesat tuduh aku bukan2 (pandai betul beliau TIPU ‘Abg’ beliau kan). Tapi, aku yg dari kecil sudah diajar tentang adab, tak perlu biadap seperti Beliau. Aku jawab penuh sopan. Lepastu, aku tak tahulah apa jadi. Tapi yg penting, aku sgt bahagia sekarang ini, tanpa gangguan sawan dari Beliau. Lalalallalallalà~

Owh!!!! Aku tak da mention nama sapa2 kan?? Kan?? So, sesiapa yg nak terasa tu, suka hati kamu ya. Lagipun, inikan blog peribadi aku, suka hati aku mahu tulis tentang apa. Aku dah delete entry before pun sebab hormatkan permintaan ‘Abg’ beliau. Mana tak nya, beliau da mcm cacing kepanasan. Huhu…

Ok lah…aku abis citer dah. Semoga kamu semua dapat ikhtibar!

p/s: Berani kerana BENAR!!!!!! Jangan berjiran dgn org yg membela Anjing!! Kuat tu nyalak dia…
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Monday, March 15, 2010


Melodrama of Unknown at 11:42 PM 0 VVIP Readers
I Got this e-mail just now. Would like to share some thought.


I’m here to apologies to you and your customers
I’ve got feedback from your customer and I understand her feeling
And also your feeling too as a seller
I understand the reason you let her to talk to me cos maybe you’re being pressured by her

I do really appreciate your support
But just to let you know sincerely dear
As I said I understand your feeling, I bet you do understand mine
Customers are always right
But we as sellers do have feeling
I don’t mind of getting hang up call by your customer
Just to let you know she’s very rude
She has anger, I have too
She don’t need to act like that as she let your people down
And most importantly, I talked patiently to you and your customer
So do you think I deserve the bugging and the hang up calls when I’m not earning much and had so much troubles?
Dear, please think if you were me

I would also like to let you know dear
The problem has occurred already
All we can do is to wait for the lens

I would suggest if you do not want to have such problem in future
If you know your customer attitude, do not supply them lens
To help yourself out of trouble if anything unexpected happen
And so sad to tell you I can’t supply you lens in future because I do not want to face this troubles and impolite people

Thank you

my supplier

Did you know what the worst part is?? She (the customer) is actually one of the agent. Rudeness won't bring you anywhere. She love to gain the profit from it and when there's big trouble like this, she don't want to be responsible! Owh...how I'm so surprise ya!! BTW, I had enough of her attitude already. It just for me, you may go as you please coz I don't want you anymore.

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Eyelash Extension!!

Melodrama of Unknown at 7:06 AM 1 VVIP Readers
Have you heard about ‘Eyelash Extension’??

Huhuuu…I’m quite excited when I first found out about it. At first, I thought it was just you wearing a false eyelash, and that’s the mean by eyelash extension. Guess what? I was wrong!!

When I dig about it deeper, I found out that eyelash extension is actually a Semi-permanent eyelash extensions that easily give you longer and thicker lashes. These new extensions are very, very natural looking eyelashes. They look so real that no one will guess they are not all yours!

Don’t be surprise coz Eyelash extensions are worn by many female celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Gwen Stefani, Naomi Campbell, Beyonce Knowles and other almost permanent!!

Now you can have that celebrity look without all that troublesome fame. Women everywhere are excited about the look of high quality eyelash extensions. Don’t get these semi-permanent extensions confused with eyelash implants, which are permanent eyelashes. Women are excited because these extenders are not permanent.

These are semi permanent eyelashes and yes, they really will come off when you want them to, and not beforehand, and they are not painful to apply or to remove. High quality eyelash adhesive is readily available and assures ease of placement and ease of removal. Lash extensions are individual eyelashes that are manufactured of single synthetic fibers. Each eyelash extension is applied one at a time to your own natural lashes. If you take care of them and schedule maintenance visits with the extension technician at the salon, your extensions should be able to last a very long time

If a trip to the salon is outside your budget, then look around for a reputable eyelash extension kit. Compare price and value on several eyelash extension kits before you buy, as you will need to have ample supplies on hand to perform periodic touch ups. Be sure your kit has a generous portion of extra eyelash glue for maintenance. Some replacement eyelash adhesive is not compatible with all eyelash extension kits

Maintenance is needed to replace your own natural lashes that have fallen out on their own accord. Eyelashes normally fall out and are replaced every sixty to ninety days anyway, so you will need to have extensions applied to the new lashes that have grown in. It varies by individual, of course, but some well-maintained eyelash extensions have lasted over a year. Superior maintenance can mean a filling in of the lashes due to natural loss every two to three weeks.

Based on the testimonial that I’ve read so far, most of them love their eyelash extension even though it cost them a lot of money! Some of them complaint that, whenever they took out their eyelash extension, they lost almost their entire real eyelash!!

My advised, you have to find the right salon, and make sure that the product that they were using are high standard one, make sure that, the glue doesn’t contain Formaldehyde (which most salon used it) and Cyano Acrylate (which is crazy glue). So that it won’t harm your own eyelash whenever you want to remove it!

Here's some Pictures bout it..

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2 Citarasa 1 Jiwa

Melodrama of Unknown at 10:25 AM 1 VVIP Readers

Semalam, aku dengan tidak ada kerjanya tengoklah harga2 rumah kat area KL. Lepas tue, meleret hingga ke Interior Design. So, bila bercakap tentang Interior Design ni, tentu IKEA tidak lepas sabagai salah satu pilihankan.

Maka dengan itulah aku dapat tahu akan pertandingan yang sedang dianjurkannya ini.

"DUA Citarasa SATU Jiwa"

Caranya mudah sahaja.

Istimewa kepada pasangan yang baru sahaja berumahtangga atau yang sudah berumahtangga ataupun pasangan yang sedang hangat bercinta, inilah peluang anda untuk membintangi IKEA reality show serta mendapatkan 'Bedroom Makeover bernilai RM5000 secara percuma" khas daripada IKEA!!

Jika anda pasangan yang tidak segan beraksi di hadapan camera, maka peluang anda untuk menjadi pemenang adalah sangat tinggi!!

Anda dan pasangan anda cuma perlu membuat rakaman video menceritakan kenapa anda dan pasangan anda layak mendapatkan 'Bedroom Makeover' by IKEA ni.

Pastikan rakaman video anda dalam format mpeg, tidak melebihi 3 min dan bersaiz tidak lebih dari 12MBs.

Sertakan sekali nama (seperti di dalam IC), alamat rumah, e-mail dan nombor telefon.

Setelah lengkap semuanya, hantarkan ia pada 2citarasa1jiwa@ikeastore.com.my

Mudah bukan!!!!

Untuk gambaran yang lebih jelas, >Click Disini<


Monday, March 8, 2010

Create Wavy Hair Like Jessica Simpson

Melodrama of Unknown at 10:44 AM 2 VVIP Readers

The truth is though, that you can create your own waves and curls that has a similar look in just a short time if you have the right tools and products. Curls and waves will always be stylish!

If you want a curly glamorous style without the fuss, here are a few ideas on how to create your own red carpet look.

Before curling your hair, be sure to wash it at least one day before you plan to curl it. For the longest lasting curls, your hair should not be freshly washed.Hair that's too clean won't hold your curls as long. For best results, wash your hair before you want to style it, then wait a day before styling it. Remember, for a lasting style, start with damp or slightly damp hair and also slightly dirty hair.

What You Need:

Volumizing spray

Straightening balm (if you have thick, curly, or course hair)

Hair dryer

1/2" - 1" barrel curling iron (or more) depending on how tight/loose you want your curls

Hair ties or clips

Bobby pins

Shine serum


Saltwater spray or fine mist

Create Wavy Hair Like Jessica Simpson

1. Turn your head upside down and spray your roots with volumizing or texturizing spray. Massage it into the roots of your hair but not your scalp. Paul Mitchell Volumizing Spray is a great product but Aveda Retexturizing Gel works fine and costs les. Just shop around or use the brands you know and trust. You can also use a root lifter if you only want to lift your roots. (Sounds sensible!) If your hair is naturally course or curly, work a straightening creme or gel through your hair. Then apply a styling gel to the mid shaft and ends of your hair.

2. Gently comb out your hair with a wide toothed comb. This evenly distributes the product(s) throughout your hair. Blow dry your hair straight, starting at the ends and working up to your roots. You can opt to dry your roots first if you want extra volume. Your hair must be completely dry for this look to work. As a last step in blow drying, give your roots a cool air shot to add shine and more volume and locks in the gel.

3. Separate your hair into three or four bottom and top sections, (or more!), securing with hair clips or hair ties. It's easiest to curl one section at a time.

4. To curl hair, start with one bottom section and take a 1" portion of hair, spritz it with styling spray or hairspray, especially on the ends. Comb through. Be sure to hold the iron vertically, not horizontally for this style!

Wrap the 1" section of hair around the barrel of the curling iron. Wrapping hair is different from the traditional curling method. Don't 'clip' your hair into the barrel. Instead, wrap it around the barrel. Wrapping allows you to curl all the way to the roots. When you're wrapping, make sure to leave ends loose to avoid crimp marks.

Release the curl after about 5-10 seconds or hold longer if you want a tighter curl. How long you hold the curl also depends on how high you have the temperature of the iron set. The higher the heat, the less time you should need to keep the iron in your hair. When you take the iron out of your hair, you should have a spiral or corkscrew curl. If it didn't work, try, try again!

6. Roll up the curl and bobby pin it close to the scalp.

7. Alternate the direction of the curls as you work your way through each section. The style you create is in the direction you wind hair around the barrel of the curling iron. Start by placing hair on top of the barrel and wrapping it around the barrel for one curl, then switch directions by putting the barrel on top of the hair before winding it around the next curl. Alternating directions makes curls look more natural. Some curls can remain tight, but strive for some loose curls too.

8. Once you've completed curling all of your hair and your pinned curls have cooled completely, release them. You should have lots of wavy hair!

9. Gently loosen waves with a diffused shot of cool air from your blow dryer on the low setting. Or you can separate curls with your fingertips. Just make sure not to brush them out.

10. To add shine, spritz a hair serum like Biosilk Therapy. You can do without hair serum and spritz with a saltwater spray instead if you like. Beach BlondeOcean Waves Sea spray or Tousled Tresses Fine Mist Wax are also good products to use!

11. Set with a medium or flexible hold hairspray. Just don't overdo it. You won't want your curls to feel stiff.

You should now have wavy hair that looks great! You don't have to be a movie star to have wavy hair with glamorous style! Once you've achieved this look a few times, it'll get easier and less time consuming to do it!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Melodrama of Unknown at 9:51 PM 2 VVIP Readers
Tak tahulah apa yang awak nak merajuk lama sangat tu. Tapi saya tak kisah. Saya tahu, awak pun sedang bahagia. Maklumlah, sudah disunting orang kan. Mungkin saya bukan lagi kepentingan awak. Saya terima. Saya faham.

Cuma kadang2, saya terkilan. Susah sangat ke awak nak angkat telefon?? Apa pula alasan awak kali ni?? Mandi? Tidur? Kredit habis? Tak dengar? Phone dlm beg? Saya terima. Saya faham.

Dulu, saya ada awak untuk kongsi cerita. Saya ada awak untuk mengadu. Saya ada awak sebagai penasihat. Saya ada awak memberi semangat. Tapi sekarang, awak senyap seribu bahasa. Saya sunyi. Mungkin awak dah lupakan saya. Saya terima. Saya faham.

Cuma kadang2 saya rindu awak. Saya tahu awak tak peduli tu. Saya terima. Saya faham.

Tapi jangan buat saya begini terlalu lama, kerana semakin hari awak buat saya semakin membenci awak. Saya takut, perasaan benci itu melebihi perasaan sayang saya pada awak.

Cuma ketika ini, hati saya kecewa!!

p/s: Maaflah, saya memang tidak boleh percayakan awak lagi, kerana awak akan membocorkannya juga.
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