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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Love at the First Sight

Melodrama of Unknown at 11:14 AM 34 VVIP Readers

Do you believe in love at the first sight?? Is it really last forever?? Someone asked me about it, so I would like to share it with ya’ll. This is just my opinion, the way I saw it based on my measurement and experience. (Have nothing to do with psychology expertise)

As for me, this kind of love most of it based on physical attraction. You think that the person are so damn cute, pretty, handsome, smart and other criteria related to it, then you started to like them. You can’t forget their smile, their eyes, and whatever it is. Then your heart wanted to know the person and all. Let say, the person gives a positive respond then you take the relationship to another stage. But then, when you started to REALLY know the person, then you realize that the person is way too different from you. Then, here come dilemma and all.

So, I don’t believe in love at the first sight. What makes me fall in love with the person are their own self, their heart, their thinking, their way, mostly their inner self. The person outer self is just a credit. Beauty can’t guarantee happiness. Trust me, I know.

Friday, April 24, 2009

B-day 'Si Senget'

Melodrama of Unknown at 10:35 AM 3 VVIP Readers
Hari ni b-day Miera!!!
so Miera, jgn igt aku lupa huh...
aku titow lewat tau siapkan kad b-day yang cun tue...
mmg plan nak prank,
tp kesian kat miera
dia ada exam ari ni kul 3pm..
so Miera wish u all da best!!!!!
epy b-day to u....


Melodrama of Unknown at 9:38 AM 0 VVIP Readers
I am here wanna express my feeling about this past few days of exams!!!!!

for my first paper was PMM 1013:Entrepreneurship
that what 'Si Tomey' said to me...
he gave me another pink rose just to make me happy
and think nothing else but exams....
I really need him during this time....
"Thanks for always be by my side..."
i know he's worried bout me....
but hey.....I'M STRONG!
plus....I GOT YOU!!!
The exam started exactly at 4pm (I'm a lil bit late...huhu...). But I managed to finished it at 5.30pm round that...(hey, should the exam finished at 6.30pm huh...).
'Si Tomey' picked me up!! Then we're having our break at Santhai and talked about our holiday in perhentian....i'm thrill!!!!!!

P/S: I stay up all night long doing my revision for this subject!

for my 2nd paper was QQP1013:Dec Making Technique
As usual I stay up all night long answered past year questions.
Easy topic but lot's of calculations! Can't be careless even one number!
'Si Tomey' sent me to DMS just to gave me support!!
I'm just fall in love with him again today...
We started quite late around 4.30pm coz there were another groups had an exam in DMS also.
I'm also finished quite late around 6.40pm (hey, it should be the exam finished at 7pm ok...).
'Si Tomey' picked me up!! Then we're having our diner...at Jo Cendol.

p/s: It's been a while we didn't went there..

NOW!! I got three days to prepare for my 3rd paper!!!
Gambateeeee YO!!!! Yoish!! www.tips-fb.com

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tag dari Mira Mirae

Melodrama of Unknown at 5:32 AM 4 VVIP Readers

1. Siapa yang terlintas difikiran kamu saat kamu menjawab tag ini?
'Si Tomey' putera hati beta kerana dia baru sahaja 'call' beta

2. Siapa orang terakhir kamu berbahas ttg sesuatu? Tentang apa?
'Si Tomey'...kami berbahas ttg trip kami ke Pulau Perhentian bulan Julai nnt!!

3. Apa yang kamu tak sabar nak buat esok hari? Kenapa?
AEROBIK!!!!! Sebab, beta sdh lama tidak menari dengan puas...

4. Apa comment kamu ttg org yg tag kamu ni?
Dia selalu 'senget'

5. "Lelaki blh lupa bls msg kekasih bila tengok bola" komen sikit kebenarannya.
Jika menurut beta, tentulah tidak benar kerana beta suka tgk bola dgn 'Si Tomey' dan kami sama2 sorak bila gol....walaupun hanya melalui sms...

6. Apa nasihat dari parents kamu yg kamu x blh lupa
"Jangan harap muka je cantik, tapi otak kosong"

7. Family, kekasih, kawan dan musuh utk letakkan ranking kamu utk senarai yang mana patut dahulukan

1. Family dan 'Si Tomey'
2. Friends (Bestfriend)
3. Musuh

8. kalau hilang org yg ranking pertama apa kamu buat? Kalau yg terakhir pula?
Jika hilang yang dimaksudkan ialah kematian, beta tidak mampu berbuat apa melainkan hidup bersama kenangan yang ditinggalkan. Sedetik pun beta tak akan melupakan mereka, kerana mereka pergi membawa separuh nyawa beta.
Kalau yang terakhir tu.....2 words! "Who cares......"

9. Saat sekarang ni kamu rasa nak makan apa?
Cucur Udang!!!!!

10. Rajuk antara lelaki & perempuan, siapa lagi ssh dipujuk bg kamu?
Pada pendapat beta, perempuan yg cepat merajuk mudah dipujuk, tetapi bg yang sukar merajuk, ssh dipujuk. Begitu juga lelaki.

11. Gambar kamu yg plg kamu suka

"Si Tomey yg sgt cumel!!"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pantun Puteri

Melodrama of Unknown at 5:30 AM 6 VVIP Readers
'Owh tuan puteri..hamba ini jatuh hati ngan tuan puteri. Btol2 cinta ngan tuan puteri. Sudilah dgr pantun hamba..'
Misai kontot tidak terkata
Ibarat kuda dari fiji
klu tuan puteri x percaya
belah la dada xray lah hati
Maka tuan puteri ketawa besar lalu berfikir sejenak akan balasan pantun yang sesuai untuk tuan hamba tersebut. Setelah mendapat idea, tuan puteri membalas...
Misai kontot lama bisunya
kuda dari fiji pun tahu akannya
ku belah dada tiada pisaunya
ku xray hati tiada tempatnya
Hahahhahaha......'Si Tomey' mmg suka merapu. Wat aku hepy sampai tido pun gelak2...ghee~

7 Dont's

Melodrama of Unknown at 12:41 AM 0 VVIP Readers
Today I would like to share with ya’ll about health. If you do know, it’s GOOD!!
If you don’t know, read this:

7 DONT’s after meal

Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.

Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted &blocked.

Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Berapi - Rapi sampai Nak Hangus!!!

Melodrama of Unknown at 3:38 AM 4 VVIP Readers
Hari ni, tepat jam 12am aku punya temper mmg dah takat maksimum sesangat!! Patutnya hari ni turn bdk2 sem 4 susun jadual untuk sem 5 nnt dlm portal UUM. Tapi ntahlah, aku pun tak tahulah apa benda jadi (cakap lebih2, takut kena AUKU pula..). Dari pukul 12am tadi sampailah sekarang ni, 3.41am pun masih lagi x dapat masuk portal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apa guna portal kalu x leh masuk time macam ni?????????? Aku sangat2 panas!!! Oleh itu aku text 'Si Tomey' kata lappy aku tak blh nak log in masuk. Dia tau aku tgh panas tu. Demi mengelakkan aku dari mendera lappy aku dan menjadi panas sampai berapi dan hangus, aku pun tido!!!!! senang citer. apa nak jadi nnt aku settle bila aku cool nnt. TAPIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kenapa aku jadi panas balik ni????? kenapa skang pun x leh nak log in lg nieeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! AKU MEMANG TAK FAHAM!!!!!!!!!!! www.tips-fb.com

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Melodrama of Unknown at 8:21 PM 4 VVIP Readers
Ok!! camni cerita dia...
Semalam, sekitar pukul 6.30pm, sedang aku asyik tengok cerita ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, tetiba lappy aku teroff sendiri (pada waktu kemuncak plak tu!!!!!). So, aku pun toleh tengok kat rum8 aku K.Ayu. Aikkk!! Dia x ada! Tp lappy dia still on n cerita ‘Wild Child’ still play kat lappy dia. Then aku tgk kipas bilik aku makin lama makin slow. Mmg sah tak ada elektrik. So, aku pun rileks lagi (Kejap lagi adalah tu..kot). Aku pun layanla tgk citer ‘Wild Child’ tu sambil menunggu elektrik ada semula. Ahaks!! Tapi, makin lama, aku pun jadi makin panas. Then aku keluar dari bilik aku tu. Barulah aku tahu rupanya satu proton pun tak ada lampu (blok H pun gelap). Aku pun tanyalah bdk2 aku yang tgh berkumpul kat koridor luar bilik mereka:

“Mana lampu ni??”baru aku perasan rum8 aku ada disitu
“Tu la PV x bayar bill”seloroh mereka
“Hahaha!! Brape lama ni??”
“Tak tau lah. Rilek ar K.Aisyah...”
“Hmmmm....Nk tgk citer nie....”aku tak puas hati

Then aku masuk bilik, capai hp n baring atas katil aku yg cun tu. Aku suka baca msg2 ‘Si Tomey’ time2 x da keje camni. Huhuuu...Wat ak senyum sorg2 mcm org tgh angau g2. Hahaah!! Pastu K.Ayu msk minta lilin, dia nk g toilet. Then Si miera n Zura pun dtg bilik aku, baru aku tau kata satu sintok tak ada elektrik. Kami borak sikit lebih kurang, dorang pun kata nak turun cafe.

“Turun cafe apenye gelap2 camni??”Aku tak setuju.
“Lapo la cah...boleh guna lilin..”jawab Mira.
“Kang tersungkur baru tau...”kata K.Ayu menyokongku.
“Tak yah buat gimik la time2 ni....”pesanku.
“Eh, torchlight mana? Torchlight? Ayahmu ada bg torchlight kan?? Mana mu letak??”Zura bersuara.
“Ada dalam bilik....temanlah...”pinta Miera. Zura pun pergi ke bilik Miera.

Pastu tetiba aku dgr bdk2 aku menjerit kat luar koridor. Miera n Zura serbu masuk bilik aku.

“Kenapa tue??”Tanyaku blur tapi tetap baring atas katil. Waktu ni dah pukul 7.30malam camtulah.
“Bdk blok H main laser, suluh kat bdk2...”kata K.Ayu dari depan pintu.
Pastu dengar dorg jerit lagi. Aku pun bangunla n terus kepintu.
“Owh....laser ni ker....dah lah, masuk...”Ajakku lalu kembali baring semula.
“Zura, cuba tgk siapa budak2 tu...”kata K.Ayu.
Zura pun gunakan ‘torchlight’ Miera tu suluh kat blok H. Aku yang tgh baring ni pun fikir kejap (Nampak ker??). Aku diamkan je. Then K.Ayu tutup pintu. Pastu dgr lagi dorang jerit. Aku pun bisik dalam hati.
“Boys n Girls mmg saling melengkapi. Dah tau bdk2 gatal blok H main laser, x reti2 nak masuk bilik ker??? Haih.....”
15min lepas tu lampu pun ada semula. Yayyy!!!!! So, aku pun terus pergi mandi dan buat apa yang patut. Lepas tu aku sambung cerita ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ aku semula.

p/s: Macam budak2 sekolahlah...hahahhaha!!!

New Life

Melodrama of Unknown at 2:49 AM 4 VVIP Readers
Do you know what is the best part in life?

It is when you’re start to drowning and you can’t swim
You used all your strength to reach the surface
But you fail
But you never give up trying
Even you lost all your strength already
You still keep trying
In the end you get your life back
For the first time
You realize that
It is you who can help yourself
Not your friend
Not even your family
But YOURSELF!!! www.tips-fb.com
Melodrama of Unknown at 2:26 AM 0 VVIP Readers
Right now, I only have myself to depend on
I don’t need your sympathy
Coz it doesn’t changed anything
Doesn’t need your care
Coz I can take care of myself
Doesn’t need your motivation
Coz I am strong
Doesn’t need you to understand me
Coz I understand you perfectly
I’m losing myself
Day by day
Do you ever NOTICE?
Huh...I’m DONE!! www.tips-fb.com

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Posing Queen

Melodrama of Unknown at 9:38 AM 5 VVIP Readers
This is me in PINK

Me n Miera (My 1st client)
Love my kebaya...(Credit to the tailor!!)

Me n Zura (My 2nd client)

Me with my dear heart, 'Si Tomey'

This is us!! Posing team.
('Si Tomey', Me, Zura, Miera n My Lovely rum8 K.Ayu)

Me n 'Si Tomey in Red Carpet..Ghee~

My Lovely Rum8, K.Ayu

This is after we went back to our villa.
We do the photoshot at our activity room.
Me borrow K.CT's hat

It's Zura who wants me to pose

Zura said "Marah sya, marah"
And i was like "Eeeeeee....!!!"

that is it...till here ya...

During this day, I am the one who do the make-up to Miera n Zura. Mira said she wants to looked like the girl who won 'Gadis Melayu' n I was like 'Aaaaa.....I try' (Awk igt ak ni Pro ka??). But, thank god she likes it. Then it's easy for me to make-up Zura coz she's not too facy as Miera. at last, I am the one who got no time to do my hair. I've planned to make my hair different last night, but I couldn't. Once again, I am lucky, coz 'Si Tomey' love it!! huhuu...


Friday, April 10, 2009

Bout Tonite

Melodrama of Unknown at 9:41 AM 6 VVIP Readers
Tonight, I have a grand diner to attend. At first, I was planned not to go, coz I thought of going back to JB. But then, I changed my mind when I have to be the representative from my villa to give the award to the winner. So, in choosing what to wear for that night, I’ve made it in tremendously fast. I thought of wearing a kebaya. So be it. It’s pink in colour. Kinda cute to me!! Huhuhuhuuaa... (hope ‘Si Tomey’ would like it..).

The unfavourable part are, I can’t be together with him in one table bcoz our ‘soooo cool’ pengetua said that, she wants to separate boys and girls. I am peace off!! Hey, I’ve paid for the dinner, it’s up to me want to sit with who. This is not a high school or whatever. Come on, grown up!!!! Huh!! Can..not..goh!!!!

Whatever it is, I still have to go. Coz, ‘Si Tomey’ are there with me too. I wanna eat!! Eat!! Eat!! Plus I’ve already paid ma!!!

Tonight also, the tentative program have been changed a lil, I won’t go on stage to represent the award, and up until now, I still dunno how they gonna do that. But most importantly, there’re gonna be a slide show about our dear friend, Latif’s achievement. We really miss you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Melodrama of Unknown at 12:00 PM 2 VVIP Readers
So, here I am once again. Update the case. I just came back from my check up. I woke up a lil bit late this morning around 8.15am, then I phone ‘Si Tomey’ to woke him up too(I’m a lil bit worried bout him too). Then we went to PKU (Pusat Kesihatan Universiti) to do the process. Unfortunately, the doc said that, there’s no use for them to do the blood test if we’re not sick (actually, he was right). So, all of us went back with satisfaction and not worried like yesterday (actually I’m not as worried as the rest, coz I’m really in a good condition and so ‘Si Tomey’). ‘Si Tomey’ and I took our breakfast at the cafe near Bank Islam (I dunno the cafe’s name, but I love their pasta!!). Then he sent me at my Villa and he went to his class at 11am. Let me wrap it all, all of us that went to Puncak Janing on that day are just fine. Some of us just get a cough (it’s raining on that day too). As my personal opinion, I don’t think that the virus came from the water, I think it’s from what he eat and where. Only if I can turn back time, maybe we can avoid this to happen. He is a nice person and cheerful.

His body safely arrived at Mersing, Johor around 2am this morning. Then they kept his body coz his mother want s to see him for the last time. Our PROTON Trip that went to Mersing are on their way back right now (our DPP provide 1 bus for Latif’s friends that want to follow to help his family during the process).
It is such a big lost to us. We gonna pray for you always. We gonna missed ur cheerful face and those bright smile. As a winner for the ‘Strong Man’ we really missed you!!! (The day, after he gets the title as the ‘strong man’ is the day that he gets worst).


Melodrama of Unknown at 12:55 AM 0 VVIP Readers
After been wondering what are the cause of death of my friend this morning, at last we’ve been told that he died because of septicaemia (keracunan dalam darah). There’s a lot of factor that can lead to it. Up until now, there’s no specific cause have been found yet. But, as precaution, all of us who went to puncak janing about 3/4 weeks ago, compulsory do the check up tomorrow morning at 8am. He started to have a fever after he went there with all of us (it might because of the water contain the virus that cause him to have septicaemia, they found virus in rat’s urine in his system). I am also in that trip, so I’ll do the check up tomorrow morning (Even though I am the least person that expose to the water). For those who went there don’t be panic, it’s just for our precaution, not that I tell u that puncak janing contain the virus. Don’t misunderstood me (afraid that you’ll spread the wrong information). Besides that, the virus might be from what he eats after or before he went there. We still didn’t know. Too much factors that can be relate to septicaemia. BUT, the first of the signs is a rise of temperature to 100.4 F. Another sign of systemic infection is a quickening of the pulse, and this often gives more valuable information than the height of temperature. However well w patient appears to be, if the pulse remain over 120 (apart from the quickening caused by disease of the heart or kidneys) the outlook is unfavourable. If u does have this symptom, please go see the doctor. From now on, be careful with what you eat. Choose place that are clean and DO NOT EAT FOOD THAT YOU HAVE LEAVE BEHIND FOR TOO LONG, it might be infected by any bacteria, and worst virus. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Let peace be upon him. Al-Fatihah.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sorrow morning...

Melodrama of Unknown at 12:10 PM 0 VVIP Readers
This morning around 8.01am, ‘Si Tomey’ told me that one of our friends, Latif had died. I was shocked because based on what ‘Si Tomey’ told me last evening, he looked better. I thought he will get well soon. Up until now, I still didn’t get the full information about his cause of death. But for what I know he got fever before that, then it get worst so, they took him to the Hospital Jitra. He’s one of a close friend of ‘Si Tomey’. I can’t help much in this situation, but I do make a donation from my villa to his family. At least, it helps a little. Let peace be upon him. Al-Fatihah.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Melodrama of Unknown at 8:30 PM 1 VVIP Readers
You must be wondering what’s up with the title right?? That’s because you don’t know about it. Well, let me tell you. This is actually a low budget Movie that gains the whole world attention. It wins a lot of award in Cannes Film Festival. The good about the story was, all the cast from ‘Jamal’ as he was a kid, they are using a real people who was originally from that area. YES!! The children that play the role as ‘Jamal’ during his childhood is really a poor kid from there. This movie catches my attention because of the originality of the cast and story and the cool soundtrack definitely!! (Jai Ho – Pussy Cat Doll) So this is the full synopsis.
(Malaysian market a little bit slow, have to be patience)

Full Synopsis:

Runtime: 2 hrs
Genre: Dramas
Theatrical Release:Nov 12, 2008 Limited
Box Office: $139,341,484

British director Danny Boyle takes another intriguing career turn with this heartfelt underdog tale. Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) is a street kid (or "slumdog") who has landed an appearance on India's version of the hit TV game show WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? Jamal exceeds expectations on the show, and the producers alert the police after they become suspicious of his methods. The young contestant is subsequently arrested and is interrogated at the hands of a nameless police inspector (played by Bollywood star Irfan Khan). As the interrogation proceeds, Boyle tells Jamal's story through harrowing flashbacks that both show the terrible poverty of Mumbai and help explain how he knew the answers to the MILLIONAIRE questions. SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is a tightly woven story that has been expertly edited into shape. The contrast between Jamal's upbringing and his chance of escaping it on the show are adeptly juxtaposed. Mumbai is portrayed as a place of terrifying poverty and unforgettable brutality, and Jamal and his brother get into a never-ending succession of challenging situations. But the way Boyle ties together Jamal's life experiences with his answers on the show is quite brilliant, and the film really does run the full gamut of emotions as we see him growing up, falling in love, coming close to death, and teetering on the brink of escaping from his terrible predicament. The film belongs to Boyle's cast, who are mostly unknown outside of India. Patel, in particular, gives a startlingly mature performance that audiences are likely to remember long after the credits role on this affecting feature.

Starring: Dev Patel, Irrfan Khan, Anil Kapoor, Madhur Mittal
Director: Danny Boyle

Duhai Kakanda Sulungku...

Melodrama of Unknown at 5:08 PM 4 VVIP Readers
Kakanda Sulungku...

Entah mengapa...
Semakin meningkat usia kita...
Adinda semakin kehilangan dirimu...
Tidak tahu dimana silapnya...
Kakanda menjadi semakin keras...
Adinda cuba memahami kakanda...
Adinda cuba memujuk kakanda...
Adinda cuba menjaga hati kakanda...
Adinda cuba mematuhi arahan kakanda...
Adinda cuba mendengar kata kakanda...
Adinda cuba menjadi yang terbaik...
Namun semua itu tiada makna di mata kakanda...
Kakanda tetap teguh dengan prinsip kakanda...
Kakanda keraskan hati tidak mahu mengalah...
Kakanda tulikan telinga dari mendengar kata adinda...
Kakanda butakan mata dari melihat usaha adinda...
Kakanda penjarakan adinda dengan arahan kakanda...
Sesungguhnya kakanda...
Hati adinda sangat rapuh pada serangan kakanda...
Adinda puas sudah memujuk hati...
Adinda puas sudah beralah...
Kini adinda sedar...
Tibalah masa adinda bangkit...
Membuat banteng disekeliling hati adinda...
Agar adinda cukup kebal...
Menghadapi serangan emosi dari pihak kakanda...

Sekian, coretan dari Adindamu yang amat TERKILAN. www.tips-fb.com

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I gOt An AwArD!!

Melodrama of Unknown at 4:15 PM 0 VVIP Readers
My 1st Follower
This is my 1st award from Miss Mira Mirae...
Thank you so much...
I do really appreciate it!!!
(applaused up on me..clap!! clap!!)


Friday, April 3, 2009

TaG 1 dArI oRaNgE...

Melodrama of Unknown at 4:11 PM 6 VVIP Readers
1) apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapakah anda memilih nama blog itu?
bEtA dEnGaN bErBeSaR hAtI mEmBeRi nAmA bLoG bEtA ‘AISYAH AR’ kErAnA iTuLaH nAmA gLaMoUr BeTa KeTiKa BeTa MeNjAdI rAkYaT bIaSa.......

2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?


bEtA aMaT gEmAr AkAn PeRkAtAaN ‘yOIsH’ Tu!! SuKa SaNgAt!
SeBaB bIlA bEtA sEbUt ‘YOISH!!! Ia mEmBeRi SeMaNgAt PaDa BeTa n BuAtKaN bEtA fOcUs!!!
oLeH ItU kAmO SeMuA, mArI sAmA2 iKuT bEtA sEbUt ‘YOISH!!!!
HmMmM...pAnDaI SeMuA....nAnTi KiTa BeTuLkAn TuNe PuLa Ya....

3) apakah method dalam penulisan blog anda?
bEtA kUrAnG aRiF dEnGaN pErKaTaAn ‘MeThOd’ Ni, MaSa ZaMaN bEtA bElAjAr DulU cIkGu2 PaDa KeTiKa ItU rAmAi YaNg CuTi BeRsAlIn. TIdAK sEmPaT mErEkA nAk KeNaLkAn PeRkAtAaN ‘mEtHoD’ pAdA bEtA. tApI RaSaNyA aSaLkAn RaKyAt BeTa bOlEh BaCa, ItUlAh ‘MeThOd’ YaNg BeTa GuNa PaKaI hiNgGa Ke HaRi InI....
4) pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? kenapa?
oWh....BeTa tiDaK SuKa pAdA kEkEjAmAn SePeRtI pEnGhApUsAn.
SaYaNgIlAH bLoG kAmU sEmUa...
‘WoRlD pEaCe!!’ AlAmAK, cAkAp OmPuTeHlA pUlA...
5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ini?
oWh.....bEtA pErTaMa KaLi JuMpA ‘Si jUla’ Ni KeTiKa BeLiAu CuBa LaRiKaN dIrI dArI bEtA, sEbAb BeTa NaMpAk DiA cUrI bUaH pElAm MiLiK iStAnA bEtA...
(rAsAnYa BeTa TeRlArI tOpIk....)
SeBeNtAr, bEtA cUbA ReWiNd...
(MaNa bUtAnG rEwInD nTaH...)
oWh....BlOg OrAnGe AkA sI JuLa InI dApAt TiMbUlKaN RaSa CeRiA...sEsUaI dEnGaN tEmA dIa....SaYa SuKa....TiNgKaTkAn UsAhA aNdA...YoiSh!!!

6) senaraikan calon yang akan di tag:

bEtA PaDa MuLaNyA tIdAk GeMaR aKaN tAg Ni, tApI DiSeBabKaN rAmAi YaNg mErOnTa2 SuRuH bEtA jAwAB, sIaP bUaT tUnJuK pErAsAaN lAgI dI hAdApAn IsTaNa BeTa, BeTa TuRuTi SaHaJa....DeNgAn InI bEtA iSyTiHaRkAn NaMa TeRtErA dIbAwAh InI Di TaG oLeH bEtA....bErBaNgGaLaH kAmO!!!
Dr SaM
Mr. SyAzWaN
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