I have this major problem with my pregnancy state thou. I’m lack of blood. My Hb (haemoglobin) reading keeps reducing every time I did my medical check-up. At the very beginning its normal, 11.6gm. Then it became 11gm to 10.4gm and the worst is 10gm. The reading should be 11gm and above, if not I might be facing serious problem during my labour day. Na’ah…not good.
So, the nurse keeps on asking me to take a lot and a lot of green vegetables that contain high in iron. Take a lot of fruits especially guava (high in vit C). So, my real problem is that, how am I going to ensure that all that I’m eating are enough for my baby development and that my baby get enough nutrition to grow healthier?
Plus, I don’t think that I am able to take enough vegetables each day. Because sometimes, I feel like eating pasta, chicken porridge with black pepper, and just cempedak goreng (my all-time favourite). So I did my research on the best supplement for pregnant woman. Then, I am referring to the doctors for the professional opinion. I’m decided to take these 3 + 1 supplements and have been taken them since my very beginning week of pregnancy.
1.Enfamama A+ (Chocolate) – RM59
2.Pregnancy Formula (Blackmores) – RM88
3.Iberet Folic (Abbott) – RM32
4.Bio Calcium (Blackmores) – RM36
Believe it or not, for Enfamama A+ itself I have to consume it twice a day. In one month I have to buy at least 3 tin of it. But, it doesn’t matter as long as ‘My Little Heartbeat’ are healthy and get enough nutrition to grow.
Luckily, I never had any morning sickness during my pregnancy. My pregnancy is my happier moment ever. Looking at my tummy to get bigger each day such a pleasure!
Truthfully, I am a happy mom to be. This is my first experiences, I’m looking forward to it!