It’s been a while since my last updates in here. Sorry for the lack of updates!
For those who didn’t know, I’m no longer in Kedah anymore. I’m in my hometown. My home sweet home JB!! Honestly, I’m dying to be in here. I just miss those comfort and quite environment in here. Gosh, I’m glad that I’m finally here, typing this updates on my coffee table in my room, assist by my cutest teens cats who never fail to make me smile and happy.
You know what, sometimes we didn’t get what we wanted in life. As for that, it doesn’t mean that we have to just let it go and do nothing and just following what God have been decided to us. With an effort and faith, we afford to change our future. At least, I believe in it.
Now, I’m continuing my study in Southern College. Which 99% of the students are Chinese and I’m the only malay student in my batch! I’m taking UK Degree Program from Teesside University. It’s a 3+0 program which allowed me to finish my final year in UK (IF, I’m lucky to get their full sponsorship, which means that, I have to get a great gred). I’m looking forward to that.
Consider myself a lucky one to have such a supportive classmate!!! In my opinions, these are the different between Chinese and malay student. Chinese, they support each other!! Malay, they condemn each other (This is only my humble opinion, based on my experiences-don’t simply judged me yet).
I only have four subjects to be cover in final exams and another 3 subjects will be evaluating base on assignments! It seems like I’m having a lot of free time isn’t it? But you’re wrong, coz I have to do my research and reading. Gonna have to reviews a lots of journals and thesis!!
Owh! I’m still in a process of learning mandarin. Thanks to my classmates who never tired to explain the same thing they said in mandarin to English, just to make sure that I can understand them! I’ve been bless.
Here is the good news!! For the first time in my education history, I’ve got a sponsorship from Southern College itself! Thanks so much for this opportunities. So, UK….wait for me!!!!! (Wish me luck peps!!)
p/s: Yes!!!! I miss him real bad!

9 VVIP Readers on "Southern College,JB"
cool entry. great englis. patut dpt p UK. hee. anyway goodluck in furthering ur studies yea. have a nice day
GOOD LUCK KEKCAH !! hehe chayok2 mandarin language is very2 useful nowadays !
good luck ya miss Aisyah AR..:D
gudluck Aisyah..bestnya dapat g Uk..
Btol tu. Chinese people seldom support each other. Why the Malays can't be like that? Dengki tu boleh kata no. 1 dlm list sikap.
well, what can i say?goodluck dear girl..u can do it! =)
gud luck okay! :)
wah congrats babe!
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