I am 14th week now. Which officially enters my 3rd month of pregnancy. Physically, I’m started to gain weight on my lower part thou. Seriously!!! Well, actually a lot of change started to show. I am happy but not happy with my lower part! Hahahhahah!!!
Today (14th May 2012) is my fourth appointment with the doctor. This time is to re-confirm my EDD date and to see my baby progress. The process is simple this time because I only need to see the doctor, so I can skip the long process with the nurse.
According to the book, my baby should be moving rapidly now but of course I am not being able to feel it yet. Should all the hands and legs, neck and head, hair and nail already complete. Plus my baby should be able to hear sound from the outside. I am hoping to see that.
Once again, the doctor scan my tummy and what an amazing experiences for me to see my own little baby moving rapidly inside. I was looking at the head, the neck and my baby spinal cord are perfect!!! Gosh, I’m so thrill. More thrill than ride in a roller coaster!!! Hah!!!! My baby is moving!!! But the doctor spoil the moments!!! She snap the picture during my baby is moving. So the images are not clear.
But still, my baby is moving!!!!!

1 VVIP Readers on "Aisyah AR Mom2Be : Part 2"
jage baby elok2.. :)
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