She cried calling me from far far away in UUM. Telling me how stress she is right now. On her shoulder carried tons of responsibilities as the 2ND NYDP MPP of UUM but at the same time, she have to keep up with her commitment in her study. She is stuck between responsibility and commitment.
So, I told her that, problems usually doesn’t come alone, it always comes with solutions. As for me, big responsibility causes you big sacrifice too. Suddenly I remember about the opportunity cost in economic! If my classmate read this, sure they can explain it in detail, especially Taiko. He’s such a brilliant guy!! He scores 31 out of 40 for our economic trial test! Envy him!!!
Opportunity cost is the cost of thing that you did not choose (the alternative) because you choose other thing. In a simple way, imagine now you have to choose between Bruno mars and Jay Chou. So, after a few cat fight with Jolin and Rehanna, you decided to choose Donald Trump! Ehhhh!!! Out of list! Ok, you choose Jay Chou because he’s superb cute (But T.O.P much more cuter!! My nose is bleeding oredy~~~). So, Bruno Mars is your opportunity cost! Understand?! No?? (I’ll call Taiko to help you next time lor..)
Ok, I’ll stop all my nonsense from this point.
Back to the story, I know that even though she seems small in figure, but she has a big heart! She said that she miss my presence in UUM (like the old days), only if she know I miss her trillion times than she thought! Because she is thousands miles away from me, I assigned one Ninja to look after her.
As for you my little sister…
Whenever you feel like crying,
I’ll pampered you with my lullaby,
Whenever you feel hopeless,
I’ll electrify your spirit
Whenever you feel lost,
I’ll clear your path with Naruto's Jutsu,
Whenever you in trouble,
I’ll find solutions with Sasuke's sharingan,
Whenever u need an advice,
I’ll gave you all that I have

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