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Friday, December 9, 2011

Educations. Its Essential!

Melodrama of Unknown at 1:00 PM
I’ve been working as an Academic Consultant at my dad & mummy’s company. It’s Pusat Urusetia Pengambilan Pelajar in Larkin Perdana. Since, I’m starting my long semester, I can’t commit to my duty. However, what I learnt from those experiences is sometimes certain people had a second chance to IMPROVE their life but they wasted it.

We’ve been approach a lot of students mostly with a bad SPM results!!! We tried our best to consult them the choices that they have but they started to be demanding. Started to ask for a high standard course that doesn’t match with their results requirements.

Sometimes, we need to let an expert do their job. They know which college and course suit you best. Not only took in consideration of your family financial but also considering whether you can handle those courses or not. But still, the choice is yours.

I believe in a second chance. So when I get it, I didn’t waste it. We never know when that luck will come again right. So, grab it as it available. IMPROVED!!

Parents! Education now much easier compare those days. There’s PTPTN, MARA, KWSP and such! If your child wants to continue study, let them be. Support them! Don’t let your insecure feeling jeopardize your child future! Let them go, learnt about the real world. Facing real situation. Don’t keep them in home, waiting for a miracle to knock on your door. It is not the generation that we want to generate for future leader.

Only through educations, you can change your life condition. Believe it or not, believe it.

1 VVIP Readers on "Educations. Its Essential!"

Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

i want to have hubby like, that, nice entry, keep me thinking about how's married life would be in the future ^^

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