Wahhhh!! Ak dpt award lagi...kali ni diberi nama 'Award Cute'. Nak tahu siapa yg beri pd ak??? heheeee...
Empunya diri memiliki nama yg sgtlah unik!! Beliau ialah Caliph Shuriken
Thanks to him for giving me this cute award!

1. Thank & Link the person that give you the award
2. Pass the award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & think fantastic
Wahahaaa!!! Nnt ak akan buzz kt shoutbox mereka2 yg layak! hah!!
3. Contact that blogs and let them know they've won the award
Check ur shoutbox ya peps!!
4. State 7 things about yourself
-Love Music
-Love Movie
-Love to be alone
-Hate fake/backstabber 'Bitch'
-A Fighter (U hit me once, i hit u 10 times)
-Love CUTE thing
-Silence person sometimes

1 VVIP Readers on "Award CUTE!!"
icon cute ni sgt2 sesuai dgn bground blog awk ^^
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