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Monday, March 15, 2010


Melodrama of Unknown at 11:42 PM
I Got this e-mail just now. Would like to share some thought.


I’m here to apologies to you and your customers
I’ve got feedback from your customer and I understand her feeling
And also your feeling too as a seller
I understand the reason you let her to talk to me cos maybe you’re being pressured by her

I do really appreciate your support
But just to let you know sincerely dear
As I said I understand your feeling, I bet you do understand mine
Customers are always right
But we as sellers do have feeling
I don’t mind of getting hang up call by your customer
Just to let you know she’s very rude
She has anger, I have too
She don’t need to act like that as she let your people down
And most importantly, I talked patiently to you and your customer
So do you think I deserve the bugging and the hang up calls when I’m not earning much and had so much troubles?
Dear, please think if you were me

I would also like to let you know dear
The problem has occurred already
All we can do is to wait for the lens

I would suggest if you do not want to have such problem in future
If you know your customer attitude, do not supply them lens
To help yourself out of trouble if anything unexpected happen
And so sad to tell you I can’t supply you lens in future because I do not want to face this troubles and impolite people

Thank you

my supplier

Did you know what the worst part is?? She (the customer) is actually one of the agent. Rudeness won't bring you anywhere. She love to gain the profit from it and when there's big trouble like this, she don't want to be responsible! Owh...how I'm so surprise ya!! BTW, I had enough of her attitude already. It just for me, you may go as you please coz I don't want you anymore.

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