Firstly, I will try my best to sleep. If it is fails….
I will try to listen to the music and sing along. If it still fail…
I will watch movie. If it is fails also…
I will take a shower and cry like crap!
I wish I have a power to shut my heart down.
To bad, i'm just a girl with no power but full of burden.

5 VVIP Readers on "Sadness"
ala napa ni sedih2..=D
awat ni.. lame tak singgah sini.. rileks2 jangan sedih2.. sentiasa ingatkanNYA... mudah2an sedih itu akan berkurangan.. (^__^)
sabaq la...
tak nak la nangis²...
ko kene kuat k...
I will not approve on it. I over precise post. Especially the designation attracted me to read the unscathed story.
Aisyah AR to Anonymous
huh?? and you are??? sorry i didn't invite u, you may go in peace...
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