I miss my ‘Twin Soul’ soo much!! Really wanna play with them again. Wanna feed them, hugs them and kiss them!! Haih……I wish I had a superpower that can sense them from far..far away!! (sob..sob..)
Si Tomey’ promise to buy me a new one!! We decided to name them Trixy and Casmo!!! Glam ya’ll!! Can’t wait to get the new baby pet!! This time, I will not let them get away! Coz I’ve do my research already. I’m pretty sure, I know all about them already! So, I am totally ready to welcome the new one.
Owh!! I feel a lil bit annoy with my room right now!! Well, that bitch gone for good oredy (went home coz it’a a study week) but she left her bed damn messy like crap!! With the shirt that have been wearing here and there. Her study table full of paper that only God know what. Aaaarrrggghhhh!! Disgusting bitch! Only know to bad mouth about people, but FAIL to hygiene herself! What a shame!
Just now Along call. We were talking about everything. That makes me homesick again!! I miss home..huhu…BTW, she n her future hubby are so happy right now. Well this Sat she will be having a big test!! Gambaaaattteeeeeee!!!!
Oh ya…I kind of piss off with my PV coz she didn’t do the meeting!!! Since someone talking about the Villa’s account, so I have to stand up and explain the flow myself. Coz, she has no clue about it! Whatever, but if I heard about this matter ever again…she will get my 24hours of nagging! I’m good at nagging sometimes.
To my dad, Abuya…no matter what happened dad, your daughters will always at your side, we will back you up! We will help you standing!! As you are always there to catch us, as we are here to catch u back! We love you always and forever!!
Umi……your daughter here are dying to hear her mom voice!! Hope you doing just find ya mom. I miss you damn much!!
My CT 5 sis…..I can’t wait to see you all, coz I have a lot of stuff to tell you!!! A lot!! Guess we will meet at home ya!! Be ready to rock that JB!! Hahahhah!!!
Babe Yati…always be happy ya darl!!!
p/s: I Hope you GONE forever Bitch! Dun forget to clean ur junk here...disgusting!

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