I have a pair of naughty….naughty hamsters!!!!
Since I want to make them a lil bit glamour…
I name it as Trixy & Casmo.
Trixy is the Female, which makes she’s the naughtiest than Casmo, the male one.
Trixy really love to climb here and there….after a while,
she will definitely stuck herself between the wheel and the cage…..
Which made Casmo a lil bit uneasy bout it,
coz he’s the one who LOVEEEE the wheel more than his own meal!!!!
Trust Me!!! Hahhahaha!!!!
So, Casmo will try harder and harder to push Trixy away from the wheel….
Well, you know Trixy, once she fall,
she will for sure climb back and stuck herself again and again….
In the end, Casmo just give up and went to his little toilet house…
Ooowwwhhh……I couldn’t bear it….my baby pet upset easily…
So, I will let him play in his Orange Exercise Ball!!!
Of course I am not buyers, I will drag Trixy together in her Pink Exercise Ball!!
Gosh…this little creature means a lot to me…A lot!!!
No matter what they do, they never fail to make me laugh!!!
I can’t wait to bring them Home!!!! I mean in JB!!
Coz their Aunts, Grandmas n Grandpa are dying want to see them!!! Hahhahahha!!
p/s: Will back HOME soon!!!!!! Wait for US!!

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