Kepada kamu ‘Silent Reader’ saya yg SETIA. Saya nk kamu JELAS disini, bahawa ‘cat fight’ between ME & That B****H, have NOTHING to do with YOU!
Of course you are WELCOME to give your ‘MOTIVATED’ comment any time you please. Huhuuu…
BTW, if you think that you are SOOOOOO RIGHT! You MUST can FACE ME directly right?? No need for you to hide yourself as soon as you saw me….DON’T worry, I don’t BITE! HAHAHHAHAH!! GOT CHICKEN OUT to face me huh?!!
Well, I’m glad to know that I do have UNPAID REPORTER like YOU!!!
But to others ‘Silent Reader’ who just wondering what is going on here, don’t judged me yet, coz you should know, that you didn’t hear it from my side. So I assume you don’t know anything and just being affected by those bad mouth team mate!
If you really want to know, you can see me directly. If it is TRUE, I will admit it. If it is WRONG, I will DEFINITELY CORRECTED IT. The rest, I will let you measure it yourself.
Owh ya, if you think I’m Sombong, you just wrong my dear. I am not sombong, I just love to do my own thing rather than gathering in ONE room and hahhahahhahahhahah together. I prefer listen to my mp3 n watching my muvi though. That’s just me. Get used to it.
So, since I have no problem with you, you better stay out of this ‘cat fight’ thing. Don’t make me started focused on you…..believe me you don’t want that.
This is PERSONAL fight between me n her. You don’t know anything, BACK OFF before I make my MOVE towards you too…
p/s: I know who you are…, tak yah lah nk poyo me or what so ever….ok.. duduk diam2 sudah…

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