Welcoming OUR NEW BABY PET!!!
This is my boy!!! I name it CASMO! He’s so little and crème in color!! He has a cute red eyes and pink nose!!
This is my girl!!! I name it TRIXY! She’s littler than Casmo and yet she’s the one who eats a lot!!!! She’s the banded type (orange n white). She also has a cute red eyes n pink nose!!
They’re both Syrian family!! When they grown up, they will be 15cm long!!
Right now, they’re playing with their exercise ball.
Casmo in Orange Ball and Trixy in Pink Ball.
It’s easy for me to see they playing around in my room.
Aren’t they ADORABLE? Hmmmm…….
p/s: Thanks Bie…….you’ve made me HAPPY.
p/p/s: To the anonymous. I DON’T KNOW YOU, and so were YOU. You have no clue what’s going on, so BACK OFF!! I don’t talk to stranger.

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