Once upon a time, there’s a beautiful princess who own a peaceful and happy kingdom name ‘My Own World’ Kingdom. The Princess does have a few trusted people with her, she was so closed with her maid! But then one day she’s been betrayed by her maid who turn out to be a Witch full of jealousy and hatred!
At first, she was so lost, thinking how that trusted people could do such thing to her. She was silence at the moment let the Witch attacking her through it pigeons, let the witch do whatever it want! The princess does sending certain letters to explain certain situation but the Witch managed to manipulate it! That’s the moment when the Princess realize the true form of the Witch! A Manipulator!
As the princess remains silence, the Witch being berserk by attacking the princess’s family and even said bad words about the princess family. Thanks to the graceful pigeon (at My Own World Kingdom, the word maxis are abandoned) that always sends reports to the princess about the havoc act of the witch!!
The Witch still not satisfies enough because it seems like the princess are not affected by those attacked! So the Witch creates its own army! The Witch was so talented to use its secret potion that is its own tears to manipulated people mind to think how pity the Witch was being thrown away by the Princess. The fact is, the Witch itself was running away here and there so that people will think that the Princess is so cruel or the witch are too afraid to face the princess directly.
But, the princess still remains silence, wait for the right moment to make a move. Cause there’s no used to explain to those people who already being affected by those potions.
But then, the princess thought that, enough is enough! Since the witch manipulated the kingdom, the princess took out her board and places it in front of the castle! So, that whoever passing by the castle will read it and think for themselves. As for those who want to believe it, take precautions. For those who don’t, turn out to be the Witch’s messenger and provocation!
As how bad the Witch makes the Princess hurt, that’s bad too the princess make the Witch felt! It’s just the different between the Princess and the Witch, the Princess didn't used any potion to manipulate people. She just expressed what she felt, what she thought through her board. It’s up to the kingdom’s people whether to believe it or not. Cause of that, the Witch claims that the Princess tried to embarrass the Witch. The fact is, that’s the truth.
As for those pigeon sending by the Witch, the princess expresses it through her board (as a feedback through the Witch act)! She just doesn’t care what other people might think of it, because she was only telling the truth, expressing her feeling! But the Witch was so mad! She was so afraid that people will fall for it as they read it. So, she creates another berserk with her army.
As the whole kingdom turns their back on the Princess, thinking that the Princess is a cruel and a bad person, the Witch became satisfy! She gathers other lies made by people who already jealous of the princess as a weapon to attack the Princess and made the Princess loose her focus. Too bad, cause the Princess is a very strong person! She’s carries fire in her heart no matter where she goes. For those lies, will never affected her!
For the kingdom people, the princess let them believe what they want to believe. It’s their point of view. If they think that the princess is a bad person, they better look at themselves and think deeply that they’re will never do such thing if they were the Princess. Maybe they’re not a fighter, but the princess is a fighter.
p/s: Will you be silence when people talk bad about your family? Creating nasty fact about your boy friend? Telling lies to other people about the act that you didn't do? Ruin your name, your reputation? Having your own people turns against you? Make other people disrespect you? Will you remain silence and do nothing?
It just the difference the way we react about it. As for me, I express it through my public private blog. You read it at your own risk! Believe it or not, it’s all up to you. It’s just that, if you hate me you better ignore me and stop talking about me. cause if you still talking about me and all, I assume that you’re just jealous and want to take me down too just like the Witch!
Just because she said that no one will believe you, doesn't mean that you're weak or hopeless! You have a power to stand on your own feet!! Those people will never there when you fall,why should you care about their thought? They don't even know you!! Let just wait and see. ONE DAY, their act will get to them. That moment, they will understand. "What Goes Around, Comes Around!"
This will be my last entry about the Witch berserk! I prefer to be alone and it doesn't mean that I’m arrogant or something, it’s just ME. You can come to me if you need anything, but wishing me to hu-hu ha-ha with you in your room its impossible coz I’m totally not comfortable with it. That’s it! May next Sem be a better start for all of us! I’m done with it! I suggest you to get over it too!

2 VVIP Readers on "A Fairytale Truth Story"
Asslmlikum wbt..
Jika kamu berbicara (menyampaikan ucapan) tentang sesuatu perkara kepada suatu kaum padahal perkara itu tidak terjangkau (tidak dipahami) oleh akal pikiran mereka, niscaya akan membawa fitnah di kalangan mereka. (HR. Muslim)
Seorang sahabat datang kepada Nabi Saw dan bertanya, "Ya Rasulullah, tunjukkan kepadaku suatu amalan yang bila aku amalkan niscaya aku akan dicintai Allah dan manusia." Rasulullah Saw menjawab, "Hiduplah di dunia dengan berzuhud (bersahaja) maka kamu akan dicintai Allah, dan jangan tamak terhadap apa yang ada di tangan manusia,nescaya kamu akan di senangi manusia”. (HR. Ibnu Majah)
p/s: manusia itu sendiri (diri sendiri) adalah punca sgla pergaduhan ...ubah diri sendri daripada myalahkn org lain..fikir dahulu kelemahn diri baru melihat kelemahan org...sesungguhnya Allah maha mgetahui perbuatan seseorang...jgn hy menunding jari...perbaiki diri n adab dlm pergaulan....jadilah insan yg sntiasa bersederhana dan tidak hy mylahkn org lain...akhlak terpuji peribadi mulia..
w'salam wbt
saya sgt M'hormati teguran yang sopan. oleh itu wahai saudara/saudari, sungguhpun saya tidak tahu siapakah anda, tetapi sedikit sebanyak saya boleh menganggak anda dari pihak mana.
maaf, jika kata2 saya ada menyinggung perasaan anda, tiada niat utk menghasut sesiapa, cuma luahan dari hati.
apa yang anda dgr, apa yg anda lihat, apa yang anda rasa anda faham, percayalah kata2 saya bahawa anda tidak tahu apa2.
saya tidak membuat keterangan tanpa berasas...
p/s: tidak usah melihatkan diri saya, lihatlah diri kamu dahulu wahai hamba allah. sedarkah kamu, kata2 kamu hanya berat sebelah?
yakinkah kamu saya hnya tahu melihat kelemahan org lain dan tidak diri sendiri??
yakinkah kamu bahawa sya hy menuding jari?
oleh itu, adalah elok bagimu perbetulkan dirimu barulah ajariku adab pergaulan. ingin saya tekankan kata2 mu "AHKLAK TERPUJI PERIBADI MULIA".
inilah dia manusia, terlalu cepat membuat penilaian hanya dari satu pihak. maafkan saya, kamu dan mereka, tiada bezanya. salam.
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