Tonight, I have a grand diner to attend. At first, I was planned not to go, coz I thought of going back to JB. But then, I changed my mind when I have to be the representative from my villa to give the award to the winner. So, in choosing what to wear for that night, I’ve made it in tremendously fast. I thought of wearing a kebaya. So be it. It’s pink in colour. Kinda cute to me!! Huhuhuhuuaa... (hope ‘Si Tomey’ would like it..).
The unfavourable part are, I can’t be together with him in one table bcoz our ‘soooo cool’ pengetua said that, she wants to separate boys and girls. I am peace off!! Hey, I’ve paid for the dinner, it’s up to me want to sit with who. This is not a high school or whatever. Come on, grown up!!!! Huh!! Can..not..goh!!!!
Whatever it is, I still have to go. Coz, ‘Si Tomey’ are there with me too. I wanna eat!! Eat!! Eat!! Plus I’ve already paid ma!!!
Tonight also, the tentative program have been changed a lil, I won’t go on stage to represent the award, and up until now, I still dunno how they gonna do that. But most importantly, there’re gonna be a slide show about our dear friend, Latif’s achievement. We really miss you.

6 VVIP Readers on "Bout Tonite"
take lot pixs
hello pinky + sweety...
thanks tau for your comment...
betul kata JoeGrimJow...
Amik byk pic...
jgn lpe upload pic2 tu OK.
Enjoy de Dinner!
~terkenangkan 2sem lps. hehe
Aisyah AR to Joegrimjoe
Ait!! Ait!! gambar sudah diupload...huhuuu..
Aisyah AR to Vee Violet
Heheee..ait!! love ur blog Vee..
gambar sudah diupload...
Aisyah AR to Pu3
k.pu3, dah upload gambar dah..
dinner kali ni x best..
coz bnyak halangan dr pengetua..
pastu dessert separuh dari kita je dapat, yg lain x dapat!!! geram sgt!!!!!! huhu...
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