('Si Tomey', Me, Zura, Miera n My Lovely rum8 K.Ayu)
that is it...till here ya...
During this day, I am the one who do the make-up to Miera n Zura. Mira said she wants to looked like the girl who won 'Gadis Melayu' n I was like 'Aaaaa.....I try' (Awk igt ak ni Pro ka??). But, thank god she likes it. Then it's easy for me to make-up Zura coz she's not too facy as Miera. at last, I am the one who got no time to do my hair. I've planned to make my hair different last night, but I couldn't. Once again, I am lucky, coz 'Si Tomey' love it!! huhuu...

5 VVIP Readers on "Posing Queen"
chomey bngat kamu in pink...
kesian nie kena make up dia org...
smpai x sempat wat rmbut...
tp kamu ttp nmpak chantek walaupun tiada kelainan kat rmbut...
lalaalal... :)
hahahahahah...cumel btol pic2 yg aku shoot walaupon hnya dgn mggunakn k530i..nk bli cam mhl..duet pon x dak..hak3...x dan wt rambut?ckup la tu..santek dah aih rambut...hehehe..
ni puteri negara mana ni?
pakai topi berkebaya
cah kita mmg cantik mlm tu hik3
Aisyah AR to ALL the above
kamu ni semua....
beta malu la dipuji2...
ait!! ait!! sankyu!!!
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