After been wondering what are the cause of death of my friend this morning, at last we’ve been told that he died because of septicaemia (keracunan dalam darah). There’s a lot of factor that can lead to it. Up until now, there’s no specific cause have been found yet. But, as precaution, all of us who went to puncak janing about 3/4 weeks ago, compulsory do the check up tomorrow morning at 8am. He started to have a fever after he went there with all of us (it might because of the water contain the virus that cause him to have septicaemia, they found virus in rat’s urine in his system). I am also in that trip, so I’ll do the check up tomorrow morning (Even though I am the least person that expose to the water). For those who went there don’t be panic, it’s just for our precaution, not that I tell u that puncak janing contain the virus. Don’t misunderstood me (afraid that you’ll spread the wrong information). Besides that, the virus might be from what he eats after or before he went there. We still didn’t know. Too much factors that can be relate to septicaemia. BUT, the first of the signs is a rise of temperature to 100.4 F. Another sign of systemic infection is a quickening of the pulse, and this often gives more valuable information than the height of temperature. However well w patient appears to be, if the pulse remain over 120 (apart from the quickening caused by disease of the heart or kidneys) the outlook is unfavourable. If u does have this symptom, please go see the doctor. From now on, be careful with what you eat. Choose place that are clean and DO NOT EAT FOOD THAT YOU HAVE LEAVE BEHIND FOR TOO LONG, it might be infected by any bacteria, and worst virus. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Let peace be upon him. Al-Fatihah.

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