It is when you’re start to drowning and you can’t swim
You used all your strength to reach the surface
But you fail
But you never give up trying
Even you lost all your strength already
You still keep trying
In the end you get your life back
For the first time
You realize that
It is you who can help yourself
Not your friend
Not even your family

4 VVIP Readers on "New Life"
not important how many times we fall
important is how many times u wake up
-layan lagu tu...senyum-
trying to climb up.
gaining the new spark.
build the new wall.
to be the new me.
still searching for the strength!
Aisyah AR to joegrimjow
yup...ur rite...
but still when we wake up...
we tend to repeat the same mistakes..
naaaaahhh!!! we MUST think POSITIVE!!!
That's the only way to survive and move on!!! yooooiiiisshh!!!!!
Aisyah AR to Pu3
You will gain your strenght when you started to believe in urself!!!!
AITTT!!! huhuu..
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