Haaa…..kamu dgr tak lagu background aku tuh????
Aku sgt gian dgn lagu ni ketika ini ya!!! My ringtones too….muahahahah!!!
Mari aku perkenalkan siapakah dia…
Everyone!!! Meet MIZZ NINA…

Kamu blur2 siapakah beliau?? Hish!! Kamu ini…tak peka neh!!!!
Kamu mesti pernah dgr nama ‘Teh Tarik Crew (TTC)’!
Yup!!! She's the female member of the group!
Lagu ni macam ada suara Colby O’Donnis?? Uishk?? Siyesly??
Huhuuu….yup!! yup!! Yup!!!
Ini adalah singles beliau featuring Colby O’Donnis!!!
Tajuk nya:
“What’s you waiting for”
I am an open minded person. So, I take the song as a good quality local music made from her!! If you don’t like the lyrics, just ignore it and enjoy the music!!!!
As for me….I love all of it!!!!! Keep it up Mizz Nina!!!! Our local music industries really need this kind of beat!!!! Yeah!!!! Love…love..love..
p/s: She’s also the one of the Fly FM DJ!!

2 VVIP Readers on "Who is SHE?!"
suke gile erk ngn lagu ni??? hehehe
best kan lagu ni even tho lyrics agak obscene. :)
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