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Sunday, May 24, 2009

MASUM's Volunteers : Volleyball

Melodrama of Unknown at 11:04 AM
The Day Before Tournament

Take a Snap Inside the Sports Complex

1st Day on Duty...(Orange)

Cak!!! 2nd Day on Duty...(Blue)

3rd Day on Duty with My Gurls....

4th Day on Duty....Posing with The Judges!

Dahlia, Me (Aisyah AR), Rohayu n Amy


Us with our Supervisor...K.Lina!

So, this are the pictures. A lil bit lazy to explain it to ya'll. Let the pics do the talking can we...huhu...


6 VVIP Readers on "MASUM's Volunteers : Volleyball"

DrSam on May 24, 2009 at 4:46 PM said...[Reply to comment]

gambar posing aja yang banyak, gambar aksi-aksi volleyball tak de ke :)

Unknown on May 25, 2009 at 11:50 AM said...[Reply to comment]

gambar2 camtue sume time duty...
time duty xpat nak bergambar...
kang ada mulut mengata....

farinajaafar on May 25, 2009 at 2:13 PM said...[Reply to comment]


orange.itu.jingga. on May 28, 2009 at 9:26 PM said...[Reply to comment]

penat jge volleyball.
jge rugby bez2!!!

Unknown on June 2, 2009 at 8:30 PM said...[Reply to comment]

Aisyah AR to + iNaMoRaTa +

x leh malas2 senpai....
x syok...at least...
sempat exercise...

Unknown on June 2, 2009 at 8:31 PM said...[Reply to comment]

Aisyah AR to orange.itu.jingga

yup!!! yup!!! mmg besh gler jg rugbi...
makan ditanggung...
gerenti duduk sepanjang masa...
paling syok ref pun sporting...
volleyball sakit ati jer...
tp ttp enjoy!!!

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